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War in Syria: Staged Uprising NOT a Revolution

“A revolution is usually done by the people, not by importing foreigners to rebel against the people” President Dr. Bashar Al Assad

Here’s a list of some of the terrorist groups in Syria and their origins. Yet some still refer to this carefully calculated and executed invasion as a revolution or civil . Over 300,000 FOREIGN mercenaries invaded Syria to wage war.

16266097_10158110147835557_7917428773921468979_nFatah Al Sham belongs to Qatar. Ahrar Al-Sham belongs to Saudi Arabia. Faylaq Al-Sham belongs to Turkey. Suqur Al-Sham belongs to Jordan. Ajnad Al-Sham belongs to Qatar. Ansar Al-Sham belongs to Turkey. Thuwar Al-Sham belongs to Saudi Arabia.

Steven Sahioune provides us with a detailed account of what took place in the early stages of this imposed war and invasion in his article: The Day Before Daraa: How the war broke out in Syria. “Deraa was teaming with activity and foreign visitors to Syria well before the staged uprising began its opening act. The Omari Mosque was the scene of backstage preparations, costume changes and rehearsals.  The Libyan terrorists, fresh from the battlefield of the US-NATO  regime-change attack on Libya, were in Deraa well ahead of the March 2011 uprising violence.  The participation of local Muslim Brotherhood followers, who would assist the foreign Libyan mercenaries/terrorists, was an essential part of the CIA plan, which was well scripted and directed from Jordan. Enlisting the aid and cooperation of local followers of Salafism allowed the Libyans to move in Deraa without attracting any suspicion.   The local men were the ‘front’ for the operation.

The CIA agents running the Deraa operation from their office in Jordan had already provided the weapons and cash needed to fuel the flames of revolution in Syria.   With enough money and weapons, you can start a revolution anywhere in the world.

In reality, the uprising in Deraa in March 2011 was not fueled by graffiti written by teenagers, and there were no disgruntled parents demanding their children to be freed. This was part of the Hollywood style script written by skilled CIA agents, who had been given a mission: to destroy Syria for the purpose of regime change.  Deraa was only Act 1: Scene 1. The fact that those so-called teenage graffiti artists and their parents have never been found, never named, and never pictured is the first clue that their identity is cloaked in darkness.  In any uprising, there needs to be grassroots support. Usually, there is a situation which arises, and protesters take to the streets.  The staged uprising in Deraa had some locals in the street who were unaware of their participation in a CIA-Hollywood production.  They were the unpaid extras in the scene about to be shot.  These unaware extras had grievances, perhaps lasting a generation or more, and perhaps rooted in Wahabism, which is a political ideology exported globally by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Royal family and their paid officials”. Read Steven’s article to learn more about the details of this staged uprising.

In an interview I did with Yasmine from Damascus she described her first hand account with the Daraa demonstration below.

The First Demonstration

Yasmine says, “Al Jazeera, Orient News and Al Arabiya showed a snapshot of a demonstration that happened in Al Hamidia for an entire day, showing the same scene the entire day and claiming that the secret service was using force against demonstrators. I called Al Jazeera to ask them to show more of the demonstration, if it was really as big as they described it, but no one answered.

I went out for a jog and ran into my aunt, who coincidentally happened to be in Al Hamidia when the demonstration happened. I asked her if it was big, but she said it wasn’t. She said the demonstrators gathered for a few minutes and then left – no one said anything to them, people watched for awhile and then everything went back to normal.

So from day one we knew it was not a real revolution. Afterwards we started hearing all kinds of frustrating news. For instance, one of my friends told me about an incident involving her cousin’s 13-year-old son. He came home one day with 200 dollars in his pocket, way too much for his age. So my friend’s cousin asked him where he got it – his son told him that someone gave him the money in exchange for writing negative things about Assad on a wall.

There was something strange about the demonstrations that started happening in Dara’a. News about the demonstrations started popping up on Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya before they even happened. It almost seemed like the rebels were getting their orders from the TV networks.

There were actually many pro-Assad demonstrations in 2011, but no one ever heard about them. Al Jazeera even claimed that some people were forced to go to the pro-Assad demonstrations, but in truth, I sometimes had to take time off work and lose pay to be part of them.”


There have been many accounts of Syrians in Syria telling the West that what took place in Syria was not a revolution. One of these accounts is from Majd, he states ” I am Syrian… living in Syria in the middle of everything. We have seen horrors. It was never a revolution nor a civil war. The terrorists are sent by your government. They are al Qaeda Jabhat al Nusra Wahhabi Salafists Talibans etc and the extremist jihadists sent by the West, the Saudis, Qatar and Turkey. Your Obama and whoever is behind him or above him are supporting al Qaeda and leading a proxy war on my country”. 

Syriana Analysis explains on the sixth anniversary of the war in Syria why it was not a Revolution. “The narrative of the corporate mainstream media is that the vast majority of Syrians resorted to peaceful protests against the “dictator Assad regime”.

In this video, I will prove with evidence that, what you were being told is a lie.”–Syriana Analysis

Eva Bartlett: My October 2015 article, “Deconstructing the NATO Narrative on SyriaDeconstructing the NATO Narrative on Syria“. Excerpts: “…it is known that from the beginning, in Dara’a  and throughout Syria, armed protesters were firing upon, and butchering, security forces and civilians.

Tim Anderson’s “Syria: how the violence began, in Daraa” pointed out that police were killed by snipers in the March 17/18 protests; the Syrian army was only brought to Dara’a following the murder of the policemen. Additionally, a storage of protesters’ weapons was found in Dara’a’s al-Omari mosque.

Prem Shankar Jha’s, “Who Fired The First Shot?” described the slaughter of 20 Syrian soldiers outside Dara’a a month later, “by cutting their throats, and cutting off the head of one of the soldiers.” A very “moderate”-rebel practice.

In “Syria: The Hidden Massacre” Sharmine Narwani investigated the early massacres of Syrian soldiers, noting that many of the murders occurred even after the Syrian government had abolished the state security courts, lifted the state of emergency, granted general amnesties, and recognized the right to peaceful protest.

The April 10, 2011 murder of Banyas farmer Nidal Janoud was one of the first horrific murders of Syrian civilians by so-called “unarmed protesters.” Face gashed open, mutilated and bleeding, Janoud was paraded by an armed mob, who then hacked him to death.

Father Frans Van der Ludt—the Dutch priest living in Syria for nearly 5 decades prior to his April 7, 2014 assassination by militants occupying the old city of Homs—wrote (repeatedly) of the “armed demonstrators” he saw in early protests, “who began to shoot at the police first.”

May 2011 video footage of later-resigned Al Jazeera journalist Ali Hashem shows fighters entering Syria from Lebanon, carrying guns and RPGs (Hashem stated he’d likewise seen fighters entering in April). Al Jazeera refused to air the May footage, telling Hashem to ‘forget there are armed men.’ [See: Sharmine Narwani’s “Surprise Video Changes Syria “Timeline””] Unarmed protesters?

It is imperative that we listen to these voices and understand that the war in Syria was not a revolution, organic uprising, part of the Arab Spring, or a civil war. Unless we understand this important point we will not be able to understand everything that has happened since March 2011.

About Sarah Abed (168 Articles)
Independent journalist and political commentator. For media inquiries please email

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